Om portrait

Hello, I'm Om. I'm a Mobile and Web Developer pursuing B. Tech from Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune. I proudly hold the 4th rank in the prestigious "IEEE Hack-the-Metaverse 2023". I enjoy building web-sites & apps. My focus is React, Next.js, Typescript and Tailwind CSS.

About me

After I finished my 10 + 2 , I chose to pursue my B. Tech degree in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science from Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune. I'm currently in my Third Year of college. I'm a self-taught developer. My current CGPA is 8.32. I started learning to code when I was in my Second Year of college. I started with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I then started learning React and Next.js. I am currently learning TypeScript. I have also worked with Flutter, Dart and Compose. I am also familiar with Firebase, MongoDB and MySQL. I haved also used Python to create a few Machine Learning models. I am also an expert in Java and I use it for competitive programming .

When I'm not coding, I enjoy playing video games, watching movies, and going out for a ride in nature and have a cup of TEA. I also enjoy learning new things.

My projects

My skills

My experience

Contact me

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